freespirit.heartworks: 2014 London Model Awards
freespirit.heartworks: amazing bokeh :)
freespirit.heartworks: I ♥ flickr day
freespirit.heartworks: dance quadriptych, or, me dancing like a geek- Happy New Year !!!
freespirit.heartworks: like stars, like snow
freespirit.heartworks: merry christmas from zippy and me :)
freespirit.heartworks: rêve romantique/ pluie acide
freespirit.heartworks: present/ handful of silver
freespirit.heartworks: caught in tall cages
freespirit.heartworks: le rêve d'or panorama- stretching out summer-
freespirit.heartworks: mooness/ moonlike birthmark
freespirit.heartworks: everybody's a photographer, it's a plague
freespirit.heartworks: the flame goes on
freespirit.heartworks: table for one, drinking for two
freespirit.heartworks: le rêve d'or
freespirit.heartworks: on and on and on...
freespirit.heartworks: fairest of them all
freespirit.heartworks: mirror mirror
freespirit.heartworks: M and D- portrait of my parents attending my exhibition
freespirit.heartworks: Ah! c'est fini!
freespirit.heartworks: want to do what spring does with the cherry trees
freespirit.heartworks: spring into summer :-)
freespirit.heartworks: "I want /to do with you...
freespirit.heartworks: ...what spring does with the cherry trees"
freespirit.heartworks: love is elation, eternal spring