kellyann83: i put the rutilated quartz & metal together.
kellyann83: halasana (plow posture)
kellyann83: karnapidasana (knee to ear posture)
kellyann83: uttanasana (standing forward bend)
kellyann83: eka pada rajakapotasana (one-legged royal pigeon posture)
kellyann83: dhanurasana (bow posture)
kellyann83: paschimottanasana (west (back) stretching)
kellyann83: sissy
kellyann83: 08 election partaay
kellyann83: loki cleans me
kellyann83: photobooth
kellyann83: haircut
kellyann83: cheesin
kellyann83: 09 haircut
kellyann83: rumors of war..
kellyann83: this day was actually very uncomfortable..
kellyann83: sunshine
kellyann83: summa-time
kellyann83: henna party
kellyann83: one-eyed, one-horned
kellyann83: flying purple people eater
kellyann83: photoshoot
kellyann83: the usual.
kellyann83: also the usual.
kellyann83: i will beat you in a shotgunning contest.
kellyann83: jess, u so silly
kellyann83: supper @ frijtz, sf