kellyann83: IMG95680
kellyann83: 01-31-09_2353
kellyann83: saw the best sunsets.
kellyann83: so many colors.
kellyann83: Arches
kellyann83: Loved this one.
kellyann83: Grounds.
kellyann83: Con Grenache
kellyann83: Autumn Light
kellyann83: @ the Grounds
kellyann83: View from the patio
kellyann83: PEI Mussels, Marinated Olives & Rainbow Trout.
kellyann83: Lunch @ Rat's
kellyann83: leaf jumpin
kellyann83: wooo!!!
kellyann83: feets
kellyann83: leaf lyin
kellyann83: i <3 autumn
kellyann83: well allrrieeeete!
kellyann83: mom & i, the conquerors.
kellyann83: parsvottasana (intense side stretch w/reverse namaste/namaskar)
kellyann83: lunge w/twist
kellyann83: virabhadrasana I (warrior I)
kellyann83: dolores park, sf
kellyann83: birthdays
kellyann83: september
kellyann83: club hell