Ted Smith 574: Wishing you a very happy Christmas 😊
Francesc F P: Acrocephalus melanopogon
Ted Smith 574: Major surprise - the nocturnal Civet out and about in broad daylight! 😊
Ron Vipond: BB , A "Beautiful Bullfinch "
bienve958: Dragón de Komodo
Francesc F P: Sitta europaea
alexanderrmarkovic: MALLARD PORTRAIT, ACA PHOTO
Carlos Cifuentes: MARTÍN PESCADOR
Carlos Cifuentes: ROQUERO ROJO
Ron Vipond: A Lovely Long Tail
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC1017 Kingfisher...
Omygodtom: Morning Song.
ddominus: ST Anne d'Auray
loryxxyy: _R122790-02
neilhilton65: Woodland Kingfisher
J. Gomez: Hora del desayuno
tiofeote: El poblado de los gnomos.
aurearamon: Pit-roig_PB190462
Ron Vipond: Little Red
Joe Milham: Blackbird
beranekp: 2021-07-08 Grindelia squarrosa - BG Teplice
neilhilton65: Sliver-washed Fritillary (Valezina form)
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC9331 Blackcap...
VitorJK: Pego das Portas de Ródão - N1035
Portraying Life, LLC: Gotta Do What He's Born to Do...
CJH Natural: European Starling / Star (Sturnus vulgaris)
neilhilton65: Silver-studded Blue