wagga_caro: Reflections
wagga_caro: Fish took a peek
wagga_caro: Waterlilly
wagga_caro: The big view
wagga_caro: Shady pond
wagga_caro: Pretty pink
wagga_caro: Caro
wagga_caro: Birds nest
wagga_caro: The broader view
wagga_caro: Sunny day
wagga_caro: Water plants
wagga_caro: Spider web
wagga_caro: Ducks kicking back
wagga_caro: The big view
wagga_caro: Sun sneeks through
wagga_caro: Red
wagga_caro: Ree and Caro
wagga_caro: Iris
wagga_caro: Fishy friends
wagga_caro: Pair of fishy pals
wagga_caro: Water plants
wagga_caro: Sun shines through
wagga_caro: Waterlillies and carp
wagga_caro: Big fishy scales
wagga_caro: Big fishy scales
wagga_caro: Carp
wagga_caro: Orange
wagga_caro: In the depths
wagga_caro: Our white friend
wagga_caro: Big white fella