gregvescuso: Top of the Rock golf course, Ridgedale Mo.
gregvescuso: Top of the Rock golf course, Ridgedale Mo.
gradeschoolpizza: Ponca Creek--Ponca, Arkansas
Mrs Bec: You talking to me?
Rick Smotherman: He Drew Guard Duty
S_Cox: Coming in for a landing
S_Cox: butterfly eyes
..Javier Parigini: Gavião Belo | Aguilucho Pampa
Mrs Bec: Mr(s) Mouse
..Javier Parigini: Ferro Velho | Tangará Alcalde
Fotografia by Míguel: Black Crowned Night Heron with an A.M. Snack - Horseshoe Lake State Park, IL
Nikon66: Red-headed Woodpecker at Shaw Nature Reserve
sawbax: Port Hudson Conservation Area
Rick Smotherman: Lovely, Elegant White Egret
Rick Smotherman: Common Yellowthroat
Bill Steffen: Bald Eagle Flight
gsphotography145: American Kestrel
steelbirder: And then there were Dickcissels!
Fotografia by Míguel: Common Yellowthroat (Shaw Nature Reserve) - Gray's Summit, MO
Fotografia by Míguel: Moulting male Indigo Bunting (B.K. Leach Memorial Conservation Area) - Elsberry, MO
Nikon66: Adult and Baby Eagle Sharing Breakfast at Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area - No 2
erwinallen92: IMGP4068
Rick Smotherman: Share & Share Alike!
Hoot1: Fox kits
clsloan1: Tree frog
clsloan1: Coyote
Mo-Susie (sassyangie): Red-headed Woodpecker on Fence Post
S_Cox: Fighting or mating?
Nikon66: Eastern Kingbird Catching Breakfast at Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area