schlumpfh: Grandma Doris
schlumpfh: sam on carpet
schlumpfh: new carpet
schlumpfh: Guinness cake
schlumpfh: Guinness cake
schlumpfh: Kaycee's baby sweater in process
schlumpfh: Cotton-ease baby sweater
schlumpfh: Kremena's mitts pre-felting
schlumpfh: Pre-felted mittens
schlumpfh: Mittens before felting
schlumpfh: Kremena's felt mittens
schlumpfh: Kremena's felt mittens
schlumpfh: Sweater for Kaycee's baby
schlumpfh: Cotton-Ease sweater
schlumpfh: Baby sox for Sam
schlumpfh: P1012124
schlumpfh: Baby sox
schlumpfh: Hat and socks for Bridget's Liam
schlumpfh: Noel beaded and cross-stitched
schlumpfh: Jesse tree
schlumpfh: Mom's stockings
schlumpfh: Noel
schlumpfh: Jesse tree
schlumpfh: Noel
schlumpfh: Jesse tree
schlumpfh: Jesse tree
schlumpfh: Jesse tree
schlumpfh: Jesse tree
schlumpfh: Yarn wreath for mom
schlumpfh: Jesse tree