Elizabeth Lemon Photography: Waiting for Sean
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: Art by patch whiskey at the striped pig brewery, charleston
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: It's an art-y day! John Westmark
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: "the insistent image" works by shepard fairy and jasper johns at halsey gallery, charleston
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: From my sweet husband
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: Early b-day dinner at Crafter!
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: Off to our hot date!
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: Another productive day at work making hopping frog origami
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: Well...not sure where the other petals went.
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: Supposedly an owl
Elizabeth Lemon Photography: This tree (and 5 others) are in the way of our power lines! Durn trees. Always getting in the way.