jackijustpienta (www.photosbyjacki.com):
Victoria Galeano Photographer:
Thomas Shahan:
Adult Female Phidippus mystaceus Jumping Spider
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão:
Série com o macho de Saíra-amarelo (Tangará cayana) - Series with the male of the Burnished-buff Tanager - 23-06-2011 - IMG_4891
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão:
Série com a fêmea do Ariramba, Ariramba-da-cauda-ruiva, Bico-de-agulha, Bico-de-agulha-de-rabo-vermelho, Beija-flor-grande ou Beija-flor-d'água (Galbula ruficauda) - Series with the female of the Rufous-tailed Jacamar - 29-05-2011 - IMG_2696
Boreal Photography:
All Puffed Up
Alessandro Laporta Photographer:
Time for Lunch
Darren Olley (offline):
Through The Big Lens:
Rufous sided towhee
GWD Photography:
White-breasted Nuthatch - Species #77
Shawn McCready:
Mountain Bluebird
Hal Trachtenberg:
Tree Swallow-4
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão:
Série com o Calafate (Padda oryzivora ou Lonchura oryzivora) - Series with the Java Sparrow, Java Finch, Java Rice Sparrow or Java Rice Bird - 17-04-2011 - IMG_9938_2
Alejiga (Alejandro Jimenez):