kaneko_ryo: dragonfly.
uberjuan: Shoot into the light.
小川 Ogawasan: Serene path
Philou II: A travers le MAS
Curtis Eberhardt: west east
Curtis Eberhardt: Alessandra
Curtis Eberhardt: Frida's Child
'^_^ Damail Nobre ^_^': the romantic tunnel by D.F.N. Noir & Blanc black & white
小川 Ogawasan: ☷ Consume
TomasLudwik: Night, Rain, Cold, Bicycles !! photographer under umbrella doing this job! Wind and rain blowing into the lens and eyes ! Stettin-Szczecin, Poland, 7th December 2011
John Rizzitelli Photography: A Bench With a View
ken_davis: Chesterfield - Somersall Lane - FP4 Leica IIIf
ken_davis: Bicycle - Bakewell
keehotee: 20120201-Deucalion's daughters
Canonac: Behind The Flowers
M a r c O t t o l i n i: Mountain Tree II
M a r c O t t o l i n i: Dead Foggy Tree II
Adam Garelick: Central Park Snowstorm. 1 AM.