Red Hood
Batman Beyond
Evil Guppy:
Lego Superheroes: Doomsday
DC Characters: Seeing Red
DC Characters: A Ta-looney group (pun intended :P)
Ghillie Bob:
Adventure time
Ghillie Bob:
Joel and ellie
Ghillie Bob:
Cpt. Brick:
Good Morning Mordor with Mouth of Sauron
Finished: Mike Myers commission
Finished: #xmen commission set - #cyclops #fantomex #gambit - #newyorkcomiccon preorder list
Finished: #gambit commission #xmen #marvel #comics
Andrew Cookston:
In Brightest Day...
Andrew Cookston:
In Blackest Night....
Andrew Cookston:
No Evil Shall Escape My Sight
Finished: #fantomex commission - #marvel #comics
Finished: #cyclops commission - #xmen #marvel #comics
Finished: #spiderman commission - the power of primary colors #marvel #comics