holt1960: trial run of man011-man012 at terabla (1157) on 20-1-25
holt1960: nk83 at Tarro (10.07) with gm10-22 on 20-1-25
holt1960: mr939 at tarro (10.00) with tt05-05 & tt113 wdp (96wagon,s and 1.5ks long ) on 20-1-25
holt1960: D442 at teralba (11.57 ) trial run of man011-man012 on 20-1-25
holt1960: NK83 at tarro road bridge (10.07) with GM10-22 on 20-1-25
holt1960: MR939 at tarro road bridge (10.00) with TT05-04 wdp tt113 (96 wagon.s & 1.5 ks long ) on 20-1-25
holt1960: 8432 at cockle creek (9.15) with 8210-8228-8171 on 20-1-25
holt1960: 6bm1 at waratah (5.01) with acd6062-6061 on 18-1-25
holt1960: 6bm9 at waratah (4.07) with csr022-018-007 on 18-1-25
holt1960: 5446 at waratah (4.53) with clp12-1202-rl304 on 18-1-25
holt1960: 4621 at beresfield (12.19) with 8220-27 ( 8 hrs late) flooding at sandgate
holt1960: 5446 at hexham (1.16) with clp12-1202-rl304 on 18-1-25
holt1960: 5422 (12.29 departing Kooragang with 8240-54-06 on 18-1-25 ( and a call from the train crew)
holt1960: 5422 departing Kooragang to carrington (12.29) with 8240-8254-8206 on 18-1-25 (and call from the train crew)
holt1960: RV379 departing Kooragang (11.55) with xrn001-019-gwu009 on 18-1-25
holt1960: T487g departing Kooragang (11.16) with 9030-39-33 on 18-1-25
holt1960: 5436 running via Kooragang (flooding at sandgate ) (11.48) with 8205-8205 on 18-1-25
holt1960: 5436 (11.47) at Kooragang island with 8205-8250 (flooding at sandgate ) on 18-1-25
holt1960: 4178 (8.26) at terabla with G514-44206 on 17-1-25
holt1960: 4178 at teralba (8.26) with G514-44206 on 17-1-25
holt1960: 8m42 at sandgate (2.07) with C504-4815 on 16-1-25
holt1960: 5112 (8.30) at warabrook with 1102-QE007-008 on 16-1-25
holt1960: 8m42 (2.07) at sandgate with c504-4815 on 16-1-25
holt1960: 4bm9 (8.36) at warabrook with cf4429-csr021 on 16-1-25
holt1960: 4190(12.15) at awaba with vl352-phc001-002 on 15-1-25
holt1960: 1447 (12.49) at awaba with c510-603-c507 on 15-1-25
holt1960: 3bw7 (10.50) at awaba with QL003-014-005 on 15-1-25
holt1960: 3ba6 (11.24) at awaba with nr69-75 on 15-1-25
holt1960: 4190 at awaba (12.15) with vl352-phc001-002 on 15-1-25
holt1960: 1447 at awaba (12-49) with c510-603-c507 on 15-1-25