cindypalas: 'In the Light'
cindypalas: 'O for Opposites_Mr. & Mrs. Turtle"
cindypalas: 'Happy'
cindypalas: Peach Blossoms
cindypalas: 'N for Nest_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge'
cindypalas: 'M for Middle of the Road'
cindypalas: 'Blast Off'
cindypalas: "L for Lens Flare_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge"
cindypalas: 'K for Keyboard_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge'
cindypalas: 'Contemplating'
cindypalas: 'La Bamba'
cindypalas: What?
cindypalas: 'J for JigSaw_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge'
cindypalas: "I for Intersection_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge"
cindypalas: 'Menudo'
cindypalas: 'Attitude'
cindypalas: 'Joy'
cindypalas: 'H for Homemade_Home Cooked Chicken Wings'
cindypalas: 'Cozy'
cindypalas: 'Enthralled'
cindypalas: "Sweet and Sour"
cindypalas: 'G for Garnish_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge'
cindypalas: Big Bear Lake 05
cindypalas: Big Bear Lake 04
cindypalas: Big Bear Lake 01
cindypalas: Big Bear Lake 02
cindypalas: Big Bear Lake 03
cindypalas: 'F for Following_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge'
cindypalas: 'E for Entrance_2024 Weekly Alphabet Challenge'
cindypalas: MyFlickrYear2023 Photo