Conde Orlok: Garcilla bueyera (Bubulcus ibis) / Cattle egret
Shugatastic: Montegrappa fountain pens
shaina - Dany: Bébé Scottish fold
.chourmo.: Stretching Cat
sul tasto: Faaaaaanny (a soif)
rampx: Keep close to me
jeffery.c: B96C4734
jeffery.c: B96C4876
jeffery.c: B96C4895
ZL Image: 201210 Rollei CR200 34
moggierocket: Merry Christmas to all!
rednorters: museum
The 10 Thousand Things: The Lanterns are Lit 2
The 10 Thousand Things: Sunday in the Park
~~Mike~~: Essendon_Oct_2009_02
Barlafuzzy: Anziane distinte della buona società
Barlafuzzy: Le cose valgono meno di ciò che facciamo per ottenerle