LeftCoastKenny: They always bring the wine first
LeftCoastKenny: What Nancy had
LeftCoastKenny: What I had
LeftCoastKenny: The bill
LeftCoastKenny: Done for the day
LeftCoastKenny: Dining room
LeftCoastKenny: Common room
LeftCoastKenny: Visitor Center
LeftCoastKenny: Monumental signage
LeftCoastKenny: His & Hers
LeftCoastKenny: Boarding area
LeftCoastKenny: Following the leader
LeftCoastKenny: Up the steps
LeftCoastKenny: More steps
LeftCoastKenny: Pool level
LeftCoastKenny: Neptune Pool
LeftCoastKenny: From above
LeftCoastKenny: Out to the Pacific
LeftCoastKenny: Guest house?
LeftCoastKenny: Two towers
LeftCoastKenny: Detail, with shoes
LeftCoastKenny: Fascinating
LeftCoastKenny: 3000 years old
LeftCoastKenny: Fancy schmansy stuff by the pond
LeftCoastKenny: Never enough
LeftCoastKenny: One of two
LeftCoastKenny: The big house