LeftCoastKenny: Hike Map - Foothills Nature Preserve
LeftCoastKenny: Star Lily
LeftCoastKenny: Up the hill
LeftCoastKenny: Trailhead
LeftCoastKenny: Man-root
LeftCoastKenny: Houndstongue
LeftCoastKenny: Houndstongue
LeftCoastKenny: Umbrellawort
LeftCoastKenny: Checker Lily
LeftCoastKenny: Trailside Warriors
LeftCoastKenny: Pitcher Sage
LeftCoastKenny: Mosquito Bill
LeftCoastKenny: Jim Brush
LeftCoastKenny: Mossy Trees
LeftCoastKenny: Ladies' Tobacco
LeftCoastKenny: Monkeyflower
LeftCoastKenny: Paintbrush
LeftCoastKenny: Buttercup
LeftCoastKenny: Larkspur
LeftCoastKenny: Blue Dicks
LeftCoastKenny: Woodland Star
LeftCoastKenny: To the right
LeftCoastKenny: Bumpy log
LeftCoastKenny: Underpass