LeftCoastKenny: Converted
LeftCoastKenny: Headlands
LeftCoastKenny: No. 1 Mushrooms
LeftCoastKenny: It begins here
LeftCoastKenny: First seven
LeftCoastKenny: North Trail
LeftCoastKenny: Among Giants
LeftCoastKenny: No. 2 Mushrooms
LeftCoastKenny: Bored...
LeftCoastKenny: Short Bridges
LeftCoastKenny: One More
LeftCoastKenny: Small Impediment
LeftCoastKenny: Larger Impediment
LeftCoastKenny: Fetid Adder's Toungue
LeftCoastKenny: We went up
LeftCoastKenny: Stairway to the falls?
LeftCoastKenny: First look
LeftCoastKenny: A little closer
LeftCoastKenny: Short panorama
LeftCoastKenny: From slightly above
LeftCoastKenny: Duckunder times two
LeftCoastKenny: Big Deal
LeftCoastKenny: Bigger Deal
LeftCoastKenny: Double Hitter
LeftCoastKenny: Miner's Lettuce
LeftCoastKenny: Along Fern Canyon Trail