rsbrandt510: JK Headshot 22
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1949_tpverso
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1949_title
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1949_cover
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1949_back
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1948_tpverso
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1948_title
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1948_cover
rsbrandt510: Uneasy Virtue 1948_back
rsbrandt510: Scenario for Murder_tpverso
rsbrandt510: Scenario for Murder_title
rsbrandt510: Scenario for Murder_full DJ
rsbrandt510: Scenario for Murder_cover
rsbrandt510: Scenario for Murder_back
rsbrandt510: Scenario for Murder_author
rsbrandt510: Make with the Brains_tpverso
rsbrandt510: Make with the Brains_title
rsbrandt510: Make with the Brains_dedication
rsbrandt510: Make with the Brains_cover
rsbrandt510: Make with the Brains_back
rsbrandt510: Dana-Michael
rsbrandt510: Dana portrait
rsbrandt510: Dana blurb
rsbrandt510: Dell 447 back
rsbrandt510: Dell 447
rsbrandt510: Dell 388 back
rsbrandt510: Dell 388
rsbrandt510: La herencia de Loo Loo (Loo Loo's Legacy) (1962)
rsbrandt510: A bordo del "Ángel" (Angel's Ransom) (1958)
rsbrandt510: UnknownCavalier-2