Inside_man: Morning at Cafe
unruly things: rananculas
hokipoki: Breakfast
megan .: film: my mornings 1
littlemisspatricia: There lingers still, though we're far apart
The 10 cent designer: frosty and me
Jördis!: the last one has to stay
Mathias*: Good morning, Germans!
Inside_man: Tea and Bread
Inside_man: The Choice of Dessert
Inside_man: Bench Bokeh
Jördis!: just right, right?
(ku)nihito: a break
Frall: go there and tell me if you're seeing the same things
Mathias*: lunch on the 10 cent porch
The 10 cent designer: me watching Matt watching Jördis in the field with the lone tree and a storm to the North
The 10 cent designer: yellow field
Loraine@grijs: COLOR TEST 3
life in a tupperwear: cateyes & guardanapos
JPN/: brothers..