wunderali: The King At His Castle
wunderali: Making Art Is Hard Work
wunderali: My Dad, The Painter
wunderali: The Future's So Bright
wunderali: Little Red Ride
wunderali: "I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." Joseph Campbell
wunderali: Atlas Shrugged
wunderali: Pay No Attention To The Woman Behind the Curtain
wunderali: King of the Road
wunderali: Red, White and Blue
wunderali: Ten 1/4
wunderali: Running
wunderali: First Snowfall
wunderali: From scarlet to powdered gold, to blazing yellow, to the rare ashen emerald, to the orange and black velvet of your shimmering corselet, out to the tip that like an amber thorn begins you, small, superlative being, you are a miracle, and you blaze From
wunderali: Lullabye of Birdland
wunderali: Yellow Berries
wunderali: The Descent
wunderali: We'll Take The Stairs
wunderali: Winter Ornaments
wunderali: Underfoot
wunderali: Contessa
wunderali: Frost Berries
wunderali: Holding On