DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Do you like walking in the rain?
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: I should have put a bigger coat on
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: When I find out who took it they will regret it
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Tay having a quiet rehearsal for St. Patrick's
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: When the sleigh breaks you have to comfort the reindeer
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: The scrying craft is challenging and fraught with danger.
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Scrying comes from the mind not the eyes.
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: In at the deep end, I hope that's the deep end!
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Going down, no not the swimsuit this time.
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Pink blazer, shoes and stockings is that enough?
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Oh and pink lingerie of course.
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Do you like the flowers, sorry they're white?
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Doing a floor show on the late train, hope I still have panties on, I had some earlier..
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Yes. I am totally naked
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: It all depends on your definition of bad.
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Twisted Fate - Games Played cover
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: She sneaked into the shoot, you should see what she's doing to herself!
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Winter sports are fun aren't they?
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: You should dress warmly but remember you will warm up
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: A layered approach to your clothing is best.
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Make sure you have the right equipment for the job.
DebFarlight - SL Photographer & Model: Boots and clothing are very important as you can see.