lisheeny: My girl on the move
lisheeny: My bubbles <3
lisheeny: A belated merry Christmas to you all!!
lisheeny: Winnats love
lisheeny: cob love
lisheeny: bringing the animals in
lisheeny: duncansby head
lisheeny: Oscar the snow angel..
lisheeny: meet my new rescue baby.... Bubbles
lisheeny: Oscar's snow day
lisheeny: this beautiful lady
lisheeny: autumnal mornings.
lisheeny: Can you curl your tongue like this?
lisheeny: That look you get when you accidnetally disturb someone taking a nap...
lisheeny: A beautiful start to the day
lisheeny: Yes my jokes are that funny!
lisheeny: Too cool for the chihuahua lifestyle
lisheeny: The grinch
lisheeny: mother nature is a beautiful thing
lisheeny: purple hills
lisheeny: Little in the heather
lisheeny: I can see over the heather too
lisheeny: Pooches big day out
lisheeny: Shiloh preparing to pounce..
lisheeny: Personal space is over rated..
lisheeny: Sitting pretty
lisheeny: whispering sweet nothings
lisheeny: The hunter
lisheeny: family portrait
lisheeny: Keeva and her boys