bigj00: Family values
bigj00: Water boys
bigj00: Random sort
bigj00: Black Marvel family
bigj00: Gorilla Grodd
bigj00: Brotherhood of Evil
bigj00: Bomb Squad
bigj00: Justice League Baddies
bigj00: Task Force X members
bigj00: Some DC garbage figs
bigj00: Justice pals
bigj00: The Terrifics
bigj00: Big Barda and Mister Miracle
bigj00: Super buddies
bigj00: Birds of prey
bigj00: Green Arrow
bigj00: DC Basic colours
bigj00: Justice Society of America
bigj00: Spooky mansion
bigj00: Spidey Villians
bigj00: Megazord
bigj00: Megazord
bigj00: Mighty Morphin Zords
bigj00: Stark
bigj00: The American Justice League
bigj00: Steampunk Green Lantern
bigj00: Star Wars fig-barf
bigj00: The Punisher
bigj00: King Shark
bigj00: Suicide Squad additions