Anke knipst(on/off ): grün-rot-weiß / green-red-white
Anke knipst(on/off ): Abfahrt-departure
Anke knipst(on/off ): Ankunft-arrival
Anke knipst(on/off ): nah dran- close
Anke knipst(on/off ): Vogelfelsen- bird rock
Anke knipst(on/off ): Gemeinschaftsarbeit-teamwork
Anke knipst(on/off ): Nistmaterial-nest material
Anke knipst(on/off ): liebevolle Pflege-tender loving care
Anke knipst(on/off ): Abflug-departure
Anke knipst(on/off ): Abendstimmung-evening mood
Anke knipst(on/off ): Trottellumme-Common murre
Anke knipst(on/off ): Küken- fledgling
Anke knipst(on/off ): sehr spitz-very sharp
Anke knipst(on/off ): Holzboot - wooden boat
Anke knipst(on/off ): im Grünen-Out in the open
Anke knipst(on/off ): am Meer-at the sea
Anke knipst(on/off ): Kegelrobbe-Grey seal
Anke knipst(on/off ): 30m Abstand- 32yards distance
Anke knipst(on/off ): Seehund-Harbor seal
Anke knipst(on/off ): kunterbunt- multicolour
Anke knipst(on/off ): Regenwetter- rainy weather
Anke knipst(on/off ): Vergangenheit- past
Anke knipst(on/off ): innen-inside
Anke knipst(on/off ): am Ende des Tages-at the end of the day
Anke knipst(on/off ): entspannt-relaxed
Anke knipst(on/off ): Blick aufs Meer-View towards the sea
Anke knipst(on/off ): kommen und gehen-come and go
Anke knipst(on/off ): entspannt-relaxed