Anke knipst(on/off ): hurra 35 Jahre-Hurray 35 years
Anke knipst(on/off ): morsch- rotten
Anke knipst(on/off ): Winterwelt-winter world
Anke knipst(on/off ): Feiertag- holiday
Anke knipst(on/off ): Winterzeit-wintertime
Anke knipst(on/off ): Herbstfarben-autumn colors
Anke knipst(on/off ): ganz oben-at the top
Anke knipst(on/off ): Sakristei-sacristy
Anke knipst(on/off ): gewunden-spiral
Anke knipst(on/off ): gerade-straight
Anke knipst(on/off ): Blick auf die Kirche- view on the Church
Anke knipst(on/off ): Blick in die Kirche- view inside
Anke knipst(on/off ): Blick auf die Festung-view towards the fortress
Anke knipst(on/off ): Erntedank-harvest festival
Anke knipst(on/off ): Augen?-eyes?
Anke knipst(on/off ): moderner Trabbi-modern Trabant
Anke knipst(on/off ): Mittelmeer Grauschnäpper-Mediterranean flycatcher
Anke knipst(on/off ): Mittelmeer Grauschnäpper-Mediterranean flycatcher
Anke knipst(on/off ): Villa March an der Cala Gat
Anke knipst(on/off ): Delikatessen- delicacies
Anke knipst(on/off ): alles Olive...every olive
Anke knipst(on/off ): Wellendirigent-wave conductor
Anke knipst(on/off ): stürmisch-stormy
Anke knipst(on/off ): blumig- flowery
Anke knipst(on/off ): entspannt-relaxed
Anke knipst(on/off ): späte Traubenkirsche- wild black cherry
Anke knipst(on/off ): Heide in Schleswig-Holstein- heath