Anke knipst(on/off ): Schönheit und Licht- beauty and light
Anke knipst(on/off ): an der Blüte-at the blossom
Anke knipst(on/off ): Kleiner Flieger- small aviator
Anke knipst(on/off ): Glückstreffer- lucky shot
Anke knipst(on/off ): Sommerende- end of summer
Anke knipst(on/off ): Azurjungfer- Eurasian Bluet
Anke knipst(on/off ): Schau mir in die Augen-look into my eyes
Anke knipst(on/off ): Scharlachlibelle- Small red damselfly
Anke knipst(on/off ): Schlanklibelle-damselfly
Anke knipst(on/off ): wichtig-important
Anke knipst(on/off ): Moosjungfer-White-faced darter
Anke knipst(on/off ): Paarung-mating