Anke knipst(on/off ):
maritime Grüße-maritime greetings
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Sanddorn-Hippophae rhamnoides
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Kurven- curves
Anke knipst(on/off ):
versteckt- hidden
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Sonne, Wolken und Meer/ sun, clouds and sea
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Lichtspur- light trace
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Lichtblick-bright spot
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Ketterkunst-mast climbing
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Ende der Saison- closed season
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Anke knipst(on/off ):
da braut sich was zusammen-Something is brewing
Anke knipst(on/off ):
außer Betrieb- out of operation
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Freude- joy
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Kapelle Pelzerhaken
Anke knipst(on/off ):
Anke knipst(on/off ):
riesig- enormous