candacemountain: Blaeze just chilling
candacemountain: Sleepy Kitty
candacemountain: Dawn of a new day.
candacemountain: Looking Like Spring
candacemountain: A Little Snowy
candacemountain: The Daydreamer
candacemountain: Merry Nap
candacemountain: More Festive
candacemountain: blending In
candacemountain: Something Merry This Way Comes
candacemountain: Just Another Squirrel Picture
candacemountain: The Fallen
candacemountain: Maybe Monday is more gloomy.
candacemountain: Happy Monday
candacemountain: A Little Color
candacemountain: Breakfast Time
candacemountain: Slow Day
candacemountain: An October Bee
candacemountain: A Halloween themed sketch I drew with an eraser.
candacemountain: Blaeze is thinking about pumpkin spiced meow mix.
candacemountain: Why did the geese cross the road?
candacemountain: A little someone watching me from the tree outside my window.
candacemountain: Chilling at the Beach or Not
candacemountain: A Prelude To The Music
candacemountain: The rain started after I got inside; my lucky day.
candacemountain: Tge Symphony