ddemarco5: Burano reflections
ddemarco5: Burano alleyway
ddemarco5: Just hanging around
ddemarco5: Everywhere....colour
ddemarco5: Burano reflections under a canal bridge
ddemarco5: Canal reflections
ddemarco5: Before the crowds
ddemarco5: Murano glass 1
ddemarco5: Murano glass 2
ddemarco5: Murano glass 3
ddemarco5: Murano glass 4
ddemarco5: Murano glass light fixture
ddemarco5: Waiting for a friend
ddemarco5: Sunshine after the storm
ddemarco5: Catching a little afternoon sunshine
ddemarco5: Goulimine beads
ddemarco5: Goulimine beads 2
ddemarco5: Needle lace embriodering (Burano)
ddemarco5: Amazing fingers and hands
ddemarco5: Beautiful work