ddemarco5: Motoring down the bay
ddemarco5: Three down, one to go
ddemarco5: Perfect day for a paddle and swim
ddemarco5: Be right back.
ddemarco5: High water reflections
ddemarco5: Busy as a beaver
ddemarco5: Splashdown
ddemarco5: Luna moth
ddemarco5: Tangled up in blue
ddemarco5: Reflections and refractions
ddemarco5: Painted lily
ddemarco5: Reeds in rain
ddemarco5: Close to the surface
ddemarco5: Northern Leopard frog
ddemarco5: Katydid
ddemarco5: Turtle crossing
ddemarco5: Morning mist
ddemarco5: Cottage through the mist
ddemarco5: Water Lily
ddemarco5: Trilliums
ddemarco5: Green
ddemarco5: Berries
ddemarco5: Fungus
ddemarco5: Silver-bordered Fritillary
ddemarco5: Perfect landing
ddemarco5: Fallen
ddemarco5: Close up and personal
ddemarco5: Mushroom explosion
ddemarco5: Letting go
ddemarco5: Old friends