child in harmony: 10441244_10152417813892770_3432817983924089655_n
child in harmony: au naturel
child in harmony: They ALWAYS KNOW what I am thinking. Here they are . . . far against the fence. . .not moving a muscle. . . just staring at me. . . letting me know that they are fine and have no intention of staying INSIDE the barn at this point in time.
child in harmony: There's a BRAVE one in every flock . . . plus it's last call for treats before the coop door closes for the night
child in harmony: Jan2- Sweet sweet birdie. . . keeping warm in the calm before the storm
child in harmony: Jan1- We fill this tub full of water and place it in the sun for the free-ranging chickens, but Gilligan had other plans.
child in harmony: Onward Horse Warriors
child in harmony: Goals for a new journey
child in harmony: "I know I'm a ground feeder, but where there's a will, there's a way!"
child in harmony: all dressed in blue
child in harmony: 942110_10151676979294493_1012730244_n
child in harmony: IMG_0018bb
child in harmony: November 10 - BOOK: A book I still have. . .and LOVE. . .from my childhood
child in harmony: November 9 - MINE: Quiet moments I take every day . . .walking in nature. . .with my man
child in harmony: November 8 - SOMEONE(S) I MISS: A picture of a picture. . .of Chuck , Shannon and Kaia. . .who live clear across the country. I cannot wait until December when I can hug that precious grandbaby.
child in harmony: November 7 - YES: An old art journal spread. Say yes to your children or at least something positive. Don't squash their dreams even if they seem unattainable at the time.
child in harmony: November 6 - MUSIC: My favorite album
child in harmony: November 5 - I COLLECT: Children's ABC books
child in harmony: November 4 - TABLE: The table with the wooden wheels, hugged by a Beech tree, and practically forgotten in the backyard.
child in harmony: November 3 - P IS FOR : Paint. That funky, bright yellow paint I used in the background. It was painted on foamboard and cut to size so it will be easy to change.
child in harmony: November 2 - I DID THIS TODAY: Played with leaves and hung them on the door
child in harmony: November 1 - FRUIT : organic grapes "you can decide to be happy"
child in harmony: October 30 - WET
child in harmony: October 29 - HAIR: African Hedgehog hair. . .soft when down, sharp when upright