yako ma: untitled
yako ma: hikari
yako ma: cosmos
Povestasul2009: au inflorit salcamii
veronix1: Mmmmmmm macarons !
p0wer™: Visual Mind
justagigolo: autochrome
zest of the loganberry: Girl in Lavender Field. (2)
Matei Sidon: _DSC0032
carpí: flip-flap
carpí: summer
Gaz-zee-boh: The Look
carpí: Cabana Giumalau
carpí: spre Cabana Giumalau
Gaz-zee-boh: Winnie the Pooh & Piglet - Ledge Walking - "A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise"
State Library of NSW: Children drink soft drinks at a picnic, 1940's-1953, by Sam Hood
sunnybrook100: Beautiful Circassian Woman
carpí: Busteni - Bucegi
carpí: Groapa Ruginoasa - Ardeal (Romania)
carpí: Voronet
Gaz-zee-boh: Snow Sculpture
**Alice**: In the snow
Povestasul2009: Sirnea iar...