Dilek Murgul: di - Chinoiserie oranje , Orange Still Life in Chinese Style - Sasja Wagenaar
Dilek Murgul: di - 2386
Dilek Murgul: di - 2385
Dilek Murgul: di - A stunning bronze Gorgon in full pursuit - perhaps with a mind to wreak vengeance on Perseus.
Dilek Murgul: di - 2384
Dilek Murgul: di - 2382
Dilek Murgul: di - 2381
Dilek Murgul: di - Afternoon Light
Dilek Murgul: di - 2380
Dilek Murgul: di - Nan Tien Temple
Dilek Murgul: di - Still Life with Cherries on a newspaper - Ger Gerrits
Dilek Murgul: di - 2357
Dilek Murgul: di - 2355
Dilek Murgul: di - 2354
Dilek Murgul: di - 2352
Dilek Murgul: di - 2351
Dilek Murgul: di - Rene Magritte (1898-1967)
Dilek Murgul: di - 2350
Dilek Murgul: di - 2349
Dilek Murgul: di - Bible, England 13th century.
Dilek Murgul: di - 2348
Dilek Murgul: di - 2347
Dilek Murgul: di - 2346
Dilek Murgul: di - There were four Babylonian kings named Nebuchadnezzar. Perhaps this is the most famous, Nebuchadnezzar II, mentioned in the Bible and credited with building the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Dilek Murgul: di- 2345
Dilek Murgul: di - Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum historiale, France ca. 1294-1297.
Dilek Murgul: di - 234446
Dilek Murgul: di - A New Kingdom stela at the Cairo Museum.
Dilek Murgul: di - A decorated panel from Tuthmose IV’s chair, at the Met, with Thoth behind, and Werethekau in front
Dilek Murgul: di - ​the natural history museum in London.