el.merritt: Stars above the Hills
NatVon Photography: Third Eye Pinecones
Amy Heiden: Skeleton's Disco
Bousure: End of steel industry
Midnight - Digital: USS Nostromo
Bob West: K20D8368
iurgi.: Itsasoko Izarrak
Fort Photo: Annular Visions: the 2012 Solar Eclipse
Bob West: K20D8326
Lance Keimig: Winch Wheel, Bodie Ghost Town
Stu Jenks: Grand-Canyon-Hoop-Dance-#5
Stu Jenks: Maundy Thursday Hoop Dance
Stu Jenks: Owl's-Head
Stu Jenks: Solstice-Rock
Stu Jenks: Hoop-Dancing-With-An-Angel-Ghost
KristjánFreyr: Winter Night In Iceland
Fort Photo: Lunar Eclipse Landscape
maxxsmart: S T A T I C
Bob West: K7__9418
LornaLou: Finer moments with my guys
spacetimecurvature: Highway 395
 www.mariorubio.com : Felices vacaciones
Andy Frazer: Mono Lake Tufas and Star Trails
Steven Christenson: Anticipation... [41_019715]
Le***Refs *PHOTOGRAPHIE*: Under a big starry sky