OJRswag: Any body play airsoft?
Blackwidow96: Who's going to pop n flo national duals?
3971trex: Oakley m-frame. Fs/t
Vintage Viking (OG Adidas guy): Asics Kaos Prototypes Chameleons (8.5) NFS/T
Barn brawlers 32: Elite internationals size 6
RenegadeForce14: Nike OG reissue blue inflicts
PAwrestling21(NEED OGS SIZE 6 TO 7): PLEASE BUY. Ammo and co2 belt, and gun
Blackwidow96: Gone</3
DarkUnicorn1: Rulon soles
Locke1015 Wrestling: Vintage West German Adidas. Size 6.5 Gone and 7
ndragon256: International elites size 7.5