Balakov: Spring
Istvan Penzes: Shooting Speed Selection MK-1
Istvan Penzes: a few motorized Nikon's
chachahavana: Behind the scene #36
chachahavana: Behind the scene #37
RangefinderNotDead: Sexy square hood of Fujinon 50mm f/1.2
cablefreak: "Flying low." [EXPLORED]
Dierk.: Schneider APO-Symmar 5,6/210
cablefreak: "It was nothing but a mystery."
Dierk.: Sony A7R with Micro Nikkor PC 85mm/2.8 @f/16
Istvan Penzes: a few books [kind of test shot]
Hengki Koentjoro: Past Time
Istvan Penzes: M7 and a Motor M
Istvan Penzes: FM3a [variation]
Istvan Penzes: one of the tools of the day [variation]
Istvan Penzes: Nikon F3/T black
Istvan Penzes: Leicaflex SL2MOT
Hengki Koentjoro: Cuttle fish
Paul Swee: Sibling