We are gathered here today, To get through this thing called life, Electric word life, It means forever and that's a mighty long time, But I'm here to tell you, There's something else, The after world #Prince #thepurpleone #purplerain
So someone bought a house years ago only to discover years later that it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright #FLR #franklloydwright
I can't tell if this place is trying to grow girls or if it's some sort of freak show and the main attraction is the ever elusive pig-girl, either way I think I'm gonna "steer" clear. #stayclassyomaha #the20s
Snuck up on this lil guy #moose #outtamywaymoose #moosex-ing #theykillmorepeoplethanbears
For those rare occasions you need to go to the graveyard and the grocery store this is the place.
Dear Lord Baby Jesus, I'd like to thank you for being the first zombie in human history and bestowing onto us the gift of the most glorious chocolate candy in the world... The Cadbury Creme Egg