U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants: Refugee camp in Maidhar, Nepal
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants: Bhutanese refugee camp in Maidhar, Nepal
Michi Freimann: DSC_0015
foliosus: Philadelpuhs lewisii (Hydrangeaceae); Mock orange
Maciej Dakowicz: homeless people - Kolkata
Dennis Calvert: Malebolgia's Parlor
pssweany: 182/365 (Embryonic)
glenda.suebee: Last of the Hornets
Michi Freimann: Switzerland Cows
Michi Freimann: P7010216
Michi Freimann: P7200570
Peter Broom: Lake Massabesic Sunset-0753
Michi Freimann: bush or saddam?
Michi Freimann: Climbing the Dunes
Peter Broom: IMG_3173
Peter Broom: mmm Tasty
Llum Endins: Flechazos y desencuentros
Peter Broom: and I'm off
Jim Salge: Autumn's First Light
Peter Broom: IMG_1693
SteveFE: IMG_3504.jpg
mbonny211: PeterGrungical2
StarrGazr: 975 paces
Phil Dowsing Creative: 070707 luminaria
orvalrochefort: wonderland