wandii: Sexii watch.
wandii: Merry Christmas!!! :)
wandii: Wandii. The spherical chicken in a vacuum.
wandii: Karanda & Erick Strong single. Not enough room to see all 35 channels... #trancefamily
wandii: Part of our new shower room
wandii: Yeyyy look what was waiting for me in the post :)
wandii: My snow leopard and I say sup.
wandii: Happy Halloween! :D
wandii: Louie Spence in WH Smith. As you do.
wandii: Misty this morning! Mitten weather.
wandii: I love Lion bars. How could I resist THIS? :D
wandii: Wandii and Yogii. He finally got a new iPhone! :D #bromance
wandii: OWNED :D
wandii: Looking gooood with Yogii ;D
wandii: Another show over! :]
wandii: What is this large phallic object growing from my cranium? Surely it can't be...
wandii: Time to get my mix on.
wandii: Only 45 channels this time :P
wandii: Cat lying on his back next to me lol
wandii: Caramel latte with whipped cream. @callibertschy should join me.
wandii: Gatwick.
wandii: Who's naughty shoes are they on the train?
wandii: Earlier at Arundel Castle :D
wandii: Having fun on train :P
wandii: On to London! :D
wandii: pic_ANuC_m
wandii: A misty morning to y'all! I like that the iPhone's HDR camera caught the flight path of the bird :)
wandii: Chinese and Wonders of the Universe :D
wandii: Me and my new best friend :D #trancefamily
wandii: New PC! Here we go again!