RMHoy Pix: Steller's Jay
RMHoy Pix: Snowy Egrets at each other!
RMHoy Pix: American Kestrel
RMHoy Pix: Green Heron
RMHoy Pix: American Avocet
RMHoy Pix: A Closeup of a Female Red-Breasted Merganser
RMHoy Pix: Reddish Egret
RMHoy Pix: Black Phoebe
RMHoy Pix: Male Ring-Necked Duck
RMHoy Pix: Anna's Hummingbird
RMHoy Pix: Black-Crested Titmouse
RMHoy Pix: Whooping Crane
RMHoy Pix: Green Jay
RMHoy Pix: Eastern Screech-Owl
RMHoy Pix: American Wigeons in the Pouring Rain
RMHoy Pix: Two Mule Deer
RMHoy Pix: Forster's Tern Hovering in Mid-Air
RMHoy Pix: Great Horned Owlet
RMHoy Pix: Cinnamon Teal in Flight
RMHoy Pix: Rufous Hummingbird
RMHoy Pix: Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
RMHoy Pix: Northern Rough-Winged Swallow
RMHoy Pix: Barn Swallow in Flight
RMHoy Pix: Little Blue Heron
RMHoy Pix: A Camouflaged Egg
RMHoy Pix: Colorful Pebbles and Piping Plover
RMHoy Pix: A Pair of American Oystercatchers
RMHoy Pix: Mallard - Momma and Duckling
RMHoy Pix: California Quail
RMHoy Pix: American Coots