RMHoy Pix: African Openbill
RMHoy Pix: Yellow-Billed Stork in Flight
RMHoy Pix: A Baby Yellow-Billed Stork Waiting to be Fed
RMHoy Pix: A Tree Dwelling Bird
RMHoy Pix: Weaver Nests
RMHoy Pix: A Close up of a Weaver Nest
RMHoy Pix: Yellow-Billed Stork Flexed Its Wings
RMHoy Pix: Another Tree Holding Different Birds
RMHoy Pix: White-Fronted Cormorant
RMHoy Pix: A Wet Coppery-Tailed Coucal Jumped to Higher Reed
RMHoy Pix: Common Bulbul
RMHoy Pix: Green-Backed Striated Heron
RMHoy Pix: Tall Reeds Marked with Dark Color on Bottom
RMHoy Pix: Water Lily Flowers
RMHoy Pix: African Jacana
RMHoy Pix: African Jacana
RMHoy Pix: Colors of the Underside Water Lily Pads
RMHoy Pix: A Pair of Egyptian Mongoose
RMHoy Pix: Egyptian Mongoose
RMHoy Pix: A Close Up of a Yellow-Billed Stork
RMHoy Pix: The "Tree Dwelling" for the Big Birds
RMHoy Pix: Weaver Nests