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Chobe River Day 4 am by RMHoy Pix
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RMHoy Pix
African Openbill
RMHoy Pix
Yellow-Billed Stork in Flight
RMHoy Pix
A Baby Yellow-Billed Stork Waiting to be Fed
RMHoy Pix
A Tree Dwelling Bird
RMHoy Pix
Weaver Nests
RMHoy Pix
A Close up of a Weaver Nest
RMHoy Pix
Yellow-Billed Stork Flexed Its Wings
RMHoy Pix
Another Tree Holding Different Birds
RMHoy Pix
White-Fronted Cormorant
RMHoy Pix
A Wet Coppery-Tailed Coucal Jumped to Higher Reed
RMHoy Pix
Common Bulbul
RMHoy Pix
Green-Backed Striated Heron
RMHoy Pix
Tall Reeds Marked with Dark Color on Bottom
RMHoy Pix
Water Lily Flowers
RMHoy Pix
African Jacana
RMHoy Pix
African Jacana
RMHoy Pix
Colors of the Underside Water Lily Pads
RMHoy Pix
A Pair of Egyptian Mongoose
RMHoy Pix
Egyptian Mongoose
RMHoy Pix
A Close Up of a Yellow-Billed Stork
RMHoy Pix
The "Tree Dwelling" for the Big Birds
RMHoy Pix
Weaver Nests