appropos: Closing hours
appropos: Feed me
appropos: Two lane town
appropos: Prisoner
appropos: Last year before the pandemic closed everything down
appropos: Shot with the Olympus grainy film filter ..
appropos: Under the cap
appropos: Debt
appropos: The ice lady
appropos: pikul3
appropos: My move
appropos: In the shade
appropos: Conversations
appropos: Painter
appropos: Man with the staff
appropos: It was sunny
appropos: The street photographer
appropos: Lunch time
appropos: Alone in the dark
appropos: Nuts and peanuts
appropos: Nap time
appropos: Golden slippers
appropos: Dragons at the gate
appropos: Looking up
appropos: Lunch crowd
appropos: Walking away
appropos: Urban fishing
appropos: The talk
appropos: Temple in the sky
appropos: Vivekananda ashram bricksfields