andymouse: Steven
andymouse: Attah takes in the view
andymouse: visiting Cape Coast castle
andymouse: embracing the local style
andymouse: kicking back with friends at Zen Gardens
andymouse: enjoying fresh coconuts on the way to Cape Coast
andymouse: enjoying fresh coconuts on the way to Cape Coast
andymouse: enjoying fresh coconuts on the way to Cape Coast
andymouse: final gathering after a week at the Center for National Culture, Kumasi
andymouse: in the offices of the CNC, Kumasi
andymouse: we were privileged to meet with Koo Nimo, the famous palmwine guitarist
andymouse: after our concert at the Kiku shelter, Kumasi
andymouse: Middlesex Fells Reservation
andymouse: too close for comfort
andymouse: Akwasidae festival procession, Kumasi
andymouse: a long-awaited family reunion in Lagos
andymouse: final goodbyes at Kotoka airport
andymouse: our driver and his mom, whom we ran into unexpectedly
andymouse: Independence Square, Accra
andymouse: drum shopping in the art market, Accra
andymouse: national mosque, Accra
andymouse: watch those ditches on the side of every road
andymouse: indeed
andymouse: ready to do this
andymouse: red red red
andymouse: Indomie, the local brand of ramen
andymouse: there were much taller ones than this...
andymouse: selling dried fish and other delights on the roadside
andymouse: getting into it
andymouse: kicking back at Wooden, Tamale