TraceyQuilts: My mini quilt from @shinergirltx arrived today! Thank you very much Kelly, it is beautiful! #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend #freshminiquiltclub
srussett: Greek Key $.0175 per square inch
pippinsequim (formerly ircabbit): Spinning Stars QAL front
teaginny: scrappy trip along quilt
Michelle @ i like orange.: Speak now or forever hold your piece. I think this is the final layout... #scrappytripalong #nofilter
ImAGingerMonkey: chicopee trips in the snow
Laura @ Needles, Pins and Baking Tins: 36. I'm done! (This isn't the final layout, I don't have the stamina to sew the rows together right now). #scrappytripalong
kelbysews: The BEAST! A 108"x 156" monster custom request by my lawn guy!
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Cuz I needed some mermaids.
Darci - Stitches&Scissors: Have I told you all how much I love G's room?!?!??!
Janette of Runner Ducks: Round 2 - Paisley quilt
emedoodle: round robin borders
Bay Area Modern: May '12 Meeting
bvselby: Swoon #5
house of bad cats: mini-swoon for lisa