stells: Duck eggs????
stells: Bracken takes flight
stells: Fern building up to flying
stells: Our first Duck egg! we think!
stells: Green fused glass coasters
stells: Fused Glass
stells: Ducks
stells: Well it happend like this
stells: What you doing up here?
stells: IMGP6657
stells: IMGP6647
stells: IMGP6554
stells: IMGP6551
stells: IMGP6549
stells: Im the boss! No I AM
stells: Inveroran
stells: Im the king of the castle
stells: Me and Grant at the end of the walk back to Bridge of Orchy
stells: Me and penny
stells: Me and millie
stells: Me and china
stells: Blue egg
stells: PENNY laid her first egg!
stells: China
stells: St Joseph's High Bonnybridge
stells: Group Shot
stells: little Millie
stells: Pretty Penny
stells: China
stells: Frosty Leave