Josie Morway: Train type
Josie Morway: Fairly good advice
Josie Morway: Distillery Truck
Josie Morway: Virginia City
Josie Morway: Nevada City
Josie Morway: Nevada City
Josie Morway: Nevada City
Josie Morway: Nevada City
Josie Morway: Nevada City
Josie Morway: Nevada City
Josie Morway: Job Creek Ranch, with d'Autremonts
Josie Morway: Job Creek Ranch, with d'Autremonts
Josie Morway: Self and Katrina, with tongs
Josie Morway: Smoked out
Josie Morway: The lady of the house
Josie Morway: Katrina with tongs
Josie Morway: Job Creek Ranch, with d'Autremonts
Josie Morway: Job Creek Ranch, with d'Autremonts
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Big Hole
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte
Josie Morway: Drive to Black Butte