...[D]âu...: From nowhere...
...[D]âu...: Peaceful...
...[D]âu...: Những đứa trẻ kô bh lớn =))
...[D]âu...: Lonely Cafe...!
...[D]âu...: Lost in the echo
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Saigon cafe lề đường ~.~
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Blow me one last kiss :3
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Hell yeahhh thi xong rồi :3
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Merry Christmas everyone ☺
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Lana đẹp qóaaaa
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Live in the moment xD
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: PuSone's hair
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: IU ♥ ONE new DVD blahblahhhh
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Lừa tình cao tay
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: From BJ Vietnam with love . xoxo ♥
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: 09-11-2012 hpbd
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: St. Joseph's Cathedral
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Hanoiiiiiiiiiii
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Ha Noi Birdcages everywhere in the streets.
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Hoa Lò Prison. Original doors. This place was horrible and confronting but worth the visit. Had no idea John McCain was held there.
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Notre-Dame Cathedral
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Scream and shout.
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: Ảnh 5443
Ashley Linh Trann ♥: add fav for me, ☺