MichelleWalz: IMG_5876
birene: 2010-07-30 Torsten 011
birene: 2010 Från båten
birene: 2010 På Skansen
birene: På Siggesta Gård
D-minor: Wadi Rum camp
D-minor: Desert campfire with beduins
panufnikp: Seven Sisters Dam
Phillip Chitwood: Confederation Bridge
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Panmure Island Lighthouse, PEI
MichelleWalz: IMG_4989
bryanscott: Sweet Shade
anniedaisybaby: glacé bleue
birene: Julen 2009 013
MichelleWalz: IMG_4867
MichelleWalz: IMG_4759
MichelleWalz: IMG_4789
MichelleWalz: IMG_4735
MichelleWalz: IMG_4709
MichelleWalz: IMG_4708
floridapfe: Polar bear
Paula~Koala: Polar Bear Cub named Hudson
mixatron: National Ducks
ladyloneranger: Balloon Classic; Labor Day
larryt135: Chimayo with flowers
angrysunbird: Buller's Albatross in flight.
Damien_Toman: _MG_1968