Fred Roe: Great Black-backed Gull [Larus marinus]
Fred Roe: Northern Harrier [Circus cyaneus]
Fred Roe: Eastern box turtle [Terrapene carolina]
Fred Roe: Ruddy Duck [Oxyura jamaicensis]
Fred Roe: White-throated Sparrow [Zonotrichia albicollis]
Fred Roe: Yellow-rumped Warbler [Dendroica coronata]
Fred Roe: Peregrine Falcon [Falco peregrinus]
Fred Roe: Yellow-rumped Warbler [Dendroica coronata]
Fred Roe: A big gulp in anyone's estimation
Fred Roe: Just a tidbit
Fred Roe: These things are so hard to eat. A bird could starve to death!
Fred Roe: Bad feather day
Fred Roe: Semipalmated Plover [Charadrius semipalmatus]
Fred Roe: Short-billed Dowitcher [Limnodromus griseus]
Fred Roe: Glossy Ibis [Plegadis falcinellus]
Fred Roe: Glossy Ibis [Plegadis falcinellus]
Fred Roe: Glossy Ibis [Plegadis falcinellus]
Fred Roe: Forster's Tern [Sterna forsteri]
Fred Roe: You looking for a knuckle sandwich mister paparazzi man?
Fred Roe: Fiddler Crab with Attitude
Fred Roe: Laughing Gull with prey
Fred Roe: Laughing Gull with prey
Fred Roe: Tern in flight
Fred Roe: Tern in flight
Fred Roe: Tern in flight
Fred Roe: Tern in flight
Fred Roe: American Oystercatcher [Haematopus palliatus]
Fred Roe: Semipalmated Plover [Charadrius semipalmatus]
Fred Roe: Great Egret [Ardea alba]
Fred Roe: Black Skimmer [Rynchops niger]