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Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge by Fred Roe
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Fred Roe
Great Black-backed Gull [Larus marinus]
Fred Roe
Northern Harrier [Circus cyaneus]
Fred Roe
Eastern box turtle [Terrapene carolina]
Fred Roe
Ruddy Duck [Oxyura jamaicensis]
Fred Roe
White-throated Sparrow [Zonotrichia albicollis]
Fred Roe
Yellow-rumped Warbler [Dendroica coronata]
Fred Roe
Peregrine Falcon [Falco peregrinus]
Fred Roe
Yellow-rumped Warbler [Dendroica coronata]
Fred Roe
A big gulp in anyone's estimation
Fred Roe
Just a tidbit
Fred Roe
These things are so hard to eat. A bird could starve to death!
Fred Roe
Bad feather day
Fred Roe
Semipalmated Plover [Charadrius semipalmatus]
Fred Roe
Short-billed Dowitcher [Limnodromus griseus]
Fred Roe
Glossy Ibis [Plegadis falcinellus]
Fred Roe
Glossy Ibis [Plegadis falcinellus]
Fred Roe
Glossy Ibis [Plegadis falcinellus]
Fred Roe
Forster's Tern [Sterna forsteri]
Fred Roe
You looking for a knuckle sandwich mister paparazzi man?
Fred Roe
Fiddler Crab with Attitude
Fred Roe
Laughing Gull with prey
Fred Roe
Laughing Gull with prey
Fred Roe
Tern in flight
Fred Roe
Tern in flight
Fred Roe
Tern in flight
Fred Roe
Tern in flight
Fred Roe
American Oystercatcher [Haematopus palliatus]
Fred Roe
Semipalmated Plover [Charadrius semipalmatus]
Fred Roe
Great Egret [Ardea alba]
Fred Roe
Black Skimmer [Rynchops niger]
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