tbone_sandwich: MITTENS
tbone_sandwich: Lunchtime squirrel buddy.
tbone_sandwich: IMG_2754
tbone_sandwich: Bowman Lake
tbone_sandwich: Some days the sea is still as glass...
tbone_sandwich: upload
tbone_sandwich: Hashtag maturity.
tbone_sandwich: upload
tbone_sandwich: This is the most bad-ass electric lawn mower I've ever met.
tbone_sandwich: Shell.
tbone_sandwich: more raccoon outtakes
tbone_sandwich: raccoon vid clip 1.m4v
tbone_sandwich: RACCOON PARTY
tbone_sandwich: BIRD ALERT: SOUTH MPLS #parakeet #minneapolis #southminneapolis #minnesota #birdalert #lost #bird
tbone_sandwich: MITTENS!!!
tbone_sandwich: Billy Joel was fabulously wonderful!!
tbone_sandwich: #theflaminglips
tbone_sandwich: July 15, 2014
tbone_sandwich: Found out about this last night, got some cheap tix on craigslist today, and here I am.
tbone_sandwich: ELECTRIC WÜRMS
tbone_sandwich: #flaminglips